10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Pregnancy Week by Week

10 Weeks pregnant with husband

Yay! You’ve made it to ten weeks. You may be looking forward to having that pregnant belly and purchasing your first maternity outfits. You probably won’t need any new clothing yet, but you may want to start shopping soon. What kind of clothes should you look for? How much money should you spend? What are the best tips for buying maternity? In this week’s newsletter, we are going to give you some practical tips on buying maternity clothes. We are also going to give you some ideas for fun and inexpensive things to do this week to pamper yourself.

What Is Going on with Mom & Baby


Baby is the size of a prune!

Baby: Baby’s crown to rump length is 2.5-3.0 cm. (about the size of a prune). Your baby weighs about 3-5 grams. All of your baby’s organ systems are present now. Your baby’s facial features are formed now. Right now, your baby’s head is very large in comparison to the rest of her body. Your baby’s head makes up half of your baby’s size.

Mom: Over the next week, you may notice your belly start to show. It may just be a little pooch that is only noticeable to you or your partner though. Your breasts may be looking fuller, your areolas may be darker, and you may see large blue veins on your breasts. You still may have problems with morning sickness and fatigue, but this should start getting better soon. You only have a couple weeks left and you will be out of the first trimester.

This Week’s Pregnancy Checklist

  • Create a budget for buying maternity clothes.

  • Pack up some of the clothes in your closet that you may not be wearing for a while.

  • Read up on your diapering options.

  • Will you use cloths or disposables?Continue eating healthy.

  • Make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

  • Consider taking a prenatal exercise class.

  • Take a new belly picture for your scrapbook or journal.

Buying Maternity Clothes

You can start buying maternity clothes whenever you start feeling uncomfortable in your regular clothes. You may be able to get by wearing your larger clothes for a little while, but they may not fit for much longer. For a lot of moms, buying maternity clothes is an exciting step in pregnancy. How much maternity wear do you need?

You are only pregnant for nine months. After your pregnancy, you may not ever need maternity items again. On the other hand, if you are planning to have more children down the road, purchasing a large maternity wardrobe might be a good investment. Set up a budget for your maternity wardrobe, and try to stick with this budget. Two or three neutral colored maternity pants may be all you need during for the first few months. Purchase a few maternity tops to mix and match with your pants and you should be all set for a while. Later in your pregnancy, you can purchase a couple more pants and some more tops.

Maternity Buying Do’s and Don’ts


Save some money for maternity shopping later in your pregnancy. You may outgrow your first set of maternity clothes. A lot of moms need to buy larger pants and tops during the last month or two.

Purchase clothes that are loose and comfortable. Think of this like buying shoes for children. You want to have a little room to grow.


Buy button up clothing. They look really cute, but when you are pregnant, you need to take frequent bathroom breaks. All the buttoning and unbuttoning may be aggravating.

Keep trying to squeeze into your regular clothes. You will be uncomfortable and you will look better in clothes that fit better.

maternity clothes

Six Ways to Pamper Yourself

Pregnancy is the perfect time to pamper yourself. You may be more tired than usual, have mixed feelings about your body, and extra anxiety over the new arrival. Take some time to be good to yourself. Don’t wait around for your partner or family members to pamper you; do something nice for yourself.

Foot Scrub

Make a foot scrub out of liquid body soap and salt. Find a fragrance you really like and fill up a small tub to soak your tired feet in.

Candle-lit Bubble Bath

Choose your favorite scented candles and place them around your bathroom. A warm bubble bath is a great way to pamper yourself.

Listen to White Noise or Relaxation Music

Play a cd with soft sounds. Sometimes you don’t make time to rest and relax. Music is a great stress reliever and a way to relax.

Make a Yummy Fruit Smoothie

Take a ripe banana and put it in the freezer. Mix it with a little milk, any other fruits you like, and a teaspoon of sugar in the blender. It tastes terrific, is easy to make, and is a great way to treat yourself.

Rent a New Movie and Lounge on the Couch

Don’t forget the popcorn!

Have a Mini Shopping Spree

Take out a set amount of money and go to your favorite dollar store or clearance store. Buy some items that are just for you and make you feel better. No need to break the bank for this!

Next Week: 11 Weeks Pregnant: Your Pregnancy Week by Week
Previous Week: 9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Pregnancy Week by Week