Your Baby's Third Month

baby sucking on his thumb

Your baby is growing like a weed. He’s outgrown some of his baby clothes already, and he may not look like your little newborn anymore. He’s still gaining weight quickly, around 4-7 oz per week, and growing about an inch to an inch and a half per week. By the end of this month, he should weigh somewhere around 12 to 13 lbs and measure about 23 to 24 inches in length.

Now that your baby is a little bit older, he may eat more at each sitting, as his stomach has a little bit larger capacity than when he was born. Because his tummy is holding more, he may be sleeping better at night too. In fact, he may start sleeping through the night (or for around 5 to 7 hour stretches) by the end of this month. To encourage him to sleep better, try patting him on the back to soothe him first before offering a night-time feeding. If he continues crying, wait about 30 seconds to a minute first, and then offer him a feeding. Make sure the room is kept dark for overnight feedings and diaper changes to prevent unnecessary stimulation.

baby wearing bib

Around the end of this month, you can expect another growth spurt. You may notice that your baby wants to eat more frequently. If he is nursing, he may tug on your breasts more or nurse more aggressively during this time. This is completely normal and doesn’t mean that your milk supply has decreased. This vigorous nursing will stimulate your breasts to make more milk to meet his new demands.

Your little one is turning into a muscle man (or woman). He is starting to show off how strong he is. He should be able to do some baby push-ups now. If you place him on his tummy, he can lift up his head and chest. You’ll also see him stretch out or kick his legs. There’s a good chance he’s rolling over now, at least from front to back. If you haven’t seen him practicing his rolling skills, make sure you are prepared and on the lookout for him to roll over. Don’t leave him on a bed or sofa unattended. He may roll over when you least expect it! When you change his diaper, either strap him to your changing table with the safety strap or use one hand to hold him securely and keep him from rolling or falling.

By the End of the Third Month Your Baby Can:

  • Turn his head in response to a noise.

  • Open and close his hands.

  • Hold his head and chest up when he is placed on his tummy.

  • Prop his upper body on his elbows when placed on his tummy.

  • Hold a toy or shake it.

  • Track a moving object with his eyes.

  • Get excited about a breast or bottle.

  • Play with mommy or daddy.

  • Copy some of mommy or daddy’s sounds.

baby on a blanket

Your Baby Likes:

  • To listen crinkly or squeaky noises.

  • To touch and feel textured toys or books.

  • To look in the mirror or at mirrored play toys.

  • When mommy or daddy dances with him.

  • To play baby games with mommy or daddy.

Safety Tips:

  • Always keep one hand on your baby if he is placed on a high surface like a changing table or bed. If he isn’t rolling and wiggling yet, he will soon.

  • Since your baby will be getting around soon, it’s a good idea to secure your electrical outlets now. Find any outlets your baby can reach and cover them with an outlet cover.

  • If you keep a diaper pail, make sure it is covered and kept in a closet or room that your baby can’t get to.

  • Do not strap your baby into a car seat while wearing a heavy winter coat or snow suit. The padding in the coat may compress during any type of impact, thus making the straps loose and not secure enough to keep your baby safe. Instead, place him in the seat in his regular clothes and wrap a blanket around him once he’s strapped in securely.

  • You may be moving your little one from his baby bathtub into the big bathtub. If he is taking his bath in the tub now, it’s time to invest in some rubber mats. Rubber mats will help you to prevent bathtub slips and falls. You can also purchase a rubber cover to place over the faucet.

  • If you haven’t already, move any cleaning supplies out of your baby’s reach. Place them in a locked cabinet, preferably.

Activities for Your Baby:

  • Read a textured book with your baby. Let him touch and feel all the different textures.

  • Dance with your baby. You can carry him or put him in a baby sling and dance with him. Try different types of music to see what he likes.

  • Play a game of “This Little Piggy.” Babies love to be touched and played with. Grab his little toes as you say the words to this nursery rhyme.
    This little piggy went to market.
    This little piggy stated home.
    This little piggy had roast beef.
    This little piggy had none.
    And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.