Constipation in Pregnancy

You knew about morning sickness, expected fatigue, but why haven't you heard about constipation in pregnancy? Believe it or not, constipation is quite common in pregnancy and actually has a physiological cause. Don't fret. We are about to arm you with our best tips for relieving constipation.

What causes constipation in pregnancy?

Let's start by taking a look at why you are constipated before we discuss what you can do about it.

As your belly expands and your baby grows, your intestines are actually displaced. You will also have increased water absorption in your body leading to dryer stools.

This along with increased progesterone, which has a sluggish effect on your metabolism, can lead to constipation. Add to this the iron supplement taken during pregnancy and it's no wonder why so many women have problems with constipation during pregnancy.

What can you do about constipation during pregnancy?

Make sure you are drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Water helps keep you hydrated and helps keep your stools soft.

Take a look at your diet. Are you eating plenty of fruits and vegetables? Adding fruits and veggies to your diet can help you avoid constipation. Adding a high fiber cereal such as bran or adding a little wheat germ to your favorite foods is another way to sneak in extra fiber. Fiber draws in water, softening stools, making them easier to pass.

Exercising regularly will also help. Exercise aids in digestion and makes you feel better all around.

If you've modified your diet and are drinking plenty of water and are still constipated talk with your doctor. She may have other suggestions and or medications options that are safe for you.