Insomnia in Pregnancy

During your last trimester, getting a good night sleep becomes increasingly difficult.You may be having a hard time finding a comfortable sleeping position or you may be getting up throughout the night to use the bathroom. Along with all the physical symptoms keeping you up, you may be preoccupied with thoughts of when will labor happen, what will my baby look like, and hundreds of other thoughts that riddle the minds of pregnant women are our best tips for getting a good night sleep during pregnancy.

Tips to relieve insomnia during pregnancy

  1. Use a full size body pillow. These can be a lifesaver in pregnancy and really help you find a more comfortable sleeping position.
  2. Avoid caffeine. This is probably an obvious tip, but still worth mentioning.
  3. Engage in regular exercise during the day. *Avoid exercise in the evening as this can make falling asleep more difficult.
  4. Don't watch TV in bed. The lights and stimulation can make it more difficult to sleep.
  5. Stop eating at least two hours before bed. This can help prevent heartburn which may be keeping you up at night.
  6. If you are laying in bed unable to sleep, get up. Read a book. Work on something you find relaxing until you are tired. Once you are feeling sleepy, try again to go to sleep.
  7. Nap during the day. Normally, this might be seen as bad advice, but during pregnancy rest is important. With all the physical discomforts and changes it may be impossible to sleep straight through the night. Cat naps can give you the rest your body needs.