15 Minute Makeovers for Moms

aeromatherapy foot soak

We all know the drill all too well: as a mom, you spend so much time taking care of your kids and everyone else that when it comes time to take care of yourself, there’s never enough time. Well, now it’s time for that kind of thinking to come to an end, and here are quick and easy ways to help you stop feeling frumpy and start feeling fantastic.

15 Minute Makeovers for Moms – It’s Only Fitting

Whether you’re a nursing mom or your youngest kid is already in school, odds are you’re wearing an old bra that doesn’t fit you correctly. A well-fitted bra will work makeover wonders in any number of ways, from improving your posture to making you look thinner to enhancing or minimizing your bustline (whichever you prefer). Locate and visit a lingerie or department store that offers a professional fitting service. One warning: it’s likely that your new bra will cost more than you’re used to spending, but it’s well worth the investment. And once you know the size and style that suits you best, you can look for seasonal sales and online bargains.

lady taking a nap on sofa

15 Minute Makeovers for Moms – Nap Time

It works for babies and toddlers and can do the trick for harried moms as well: take a nap. If you have a small child at home, lie down at the same time he or she does – the piles of dishes and laundry won’t grow while you’re having a quick power nap. The trick is to lay down on top of the bed covers or on the couch for just a short while instead of crawling into bed for a deep sleep, which can upset your body’s internal rhythms. If you can’t fall asleep, relax or meditate or daydream. When you get up, refresh your face with a cleansing towelette, tap on some moisturizer, and you’ll be good to “glow” for the rest of the day.

15 Minute Makeover for Moms – From Head to Toe

Can’t afford a full spa treatment? Get your eyebrows waxed – it’s not very expensive, and it can give your face a fresh, new look. Or buy some over-the-counter teeth whitener and brighten up your smile. Take a load off and soak your feet in warm water and scented oil. The simple act of sitting down and relaxing will make you feel better, and the warm soak helps increase energizing circulation to your feet and legs. Add some marbles to the bottom of the basin and you’ll feel like you’ve had a foot massage. Then give yourself a pedicure – or go out and treat yourself to one! Just knowing that you’re walking around with fire engine red toenails can make you feel like a siren!

women shopping for bras

15 Minute Makeovers for Moms – Take a Moment

If you’re looking for a fast pick-me-up to get to the other side of a frumpy feeling moment, try these: keep moisturizing lotion next to every sink in the house for silky smooth skin 24/7; for quick refreshment, lay down with cool, dampened herbal tea bags on your eyes to reduce puffiness – cucumber slices or teaspoons you’ve left in the freezer will also do the trick; in the kitchen, try massaging a few drops of cold-pressed olive oil into your hands for (non-greasy!) amazing results; and speaking of massaging, indulge in a full-body massage at the hands of a professional – there’s no need to go to a costly spa, just look for a local massage or physical therapy school and set up an appointment with a student.