Danger Signs in Pregnancy

Below are a list of signs and symptoms you should be aware of during pregnancy. Should you experience any of these you should consult with your health care provider for further advice.

Danger Sign Possible Causes
Sudden gush of fluid from vagina Premature rupture of the membranes
Vaginal bleeding

Abrupted placenta
Placenta previa
Lesions of the cervix or vagina
"Bloody show"

Temperature above 101ºF & chills Infection
Persistent vomiting Hyperemesis gravidarum
Dizziness, blurring of vision, double vision, spots before eyes High blood pressure
Swelling of hands, face, legs, or feet Preeclampsia/eclampsia
Convulsions Preeclampsia/eclampsia
Stomach pain Preeclampsia/eclampsia
Decreased amount of urination Kidney impairment or lack of fluid intake
Painful urination UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Absence of fetal movement Maternal medication, obesity, fetal death