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From The Message Boards

Cesarean Section Birth

crying after section

i just had a c-section 2 days ago and just got released from the hospital today and ive been really ...

Cesarean Section Birth

How many cesarean sections have you had?

We get asked a lot, how many c/s are safe, is there a limit etc etc, so as part of a couple of threa...

Cesarean Section Birth

Any one gain lots of weight after there c section?

I have gain 15kgs and im 7mths pp. i just wondering if anyone found this? this was my 1st and only c...

Trying to Conceive

Anybody remember me?

I wanted to stop in and say hi! Still not pregnant. I'm 36 now and my health is definitely not go...

Trying to Conceive

TTC Baby #2

Hoping it's easier the second time around...
Our Son just turned 9 years old and...

Considering a Vasectomy? It's Not So Bad

By JustMommies staff

If you have decided to have a vasectomy and are feeling a little nervous about it, read on. It's not so bad. Here are a few facts to help calm you down and address your concerns. Let's talk about what a vasectomy will NOT effect: Sexual desire Ability to have erections Orgasm and accompanying sensations
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Considering a Vasectomy? It's Not So Bad

By JustMommies staff

If you have decided to have a vasectomy and are feeling a little nervous about it, read on. It's not so bad. Here are a few facts to help calm you down and address your concerns. Let's talk about what a vasectomy will NOT effect: Sexual desire Ability to have erections Orgasm and accompanying sensations
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Undoing the Permanent: Facts about a Vasectomy Reversal

By JustMommies staff

At some time in the past, you made a permanent decision not to father any more children and had a vasectomy. Now, life circumstances have changed and you and your partner want to have a baby. What can you do about it? Vasectomy reversal surgery is a viable option to make you a dad again. The Facts There
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Undoing the Permanent: Facts about a Vasectomy Reversal

By JustMommies staff

At some time in the past, you made a permanent decision not to father any more children and had a vasectomy. Now, life circumstances have changed and you and your partner want to have a baby. What can you do about it? Vasectomy reversal surgery is a viable option to make you a dad again. The Facts There
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Vasectomy Reversal or IVF

By Laura Leavitt

dad holding baby Learn more about the effects of a vasectomy and its reversibility.
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