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Cesarean Section Birth

crying after section

i just had a c-section 2 days ago and just got released from the hospital today and ive been really ...

Cesarean Section Birth

How many cesarean sections have you had?

We get asked a lot, how many c/s are safe, is there a limit etc etc, so as part of a couple of threa...

Cesarean Section Birth

Any one gain lots of weight after there c section?

I have gain 15kgs and im 7mths pp. i just wondering if anyone found this? this was my 1st and only c...

Trying to Conceive

Anybody remember me?

I wanted to stop in and say hi! Still not pregnant. I'm 36 now and my health is definitely not go...

Trying to Conceive

TTC Baby #2

Hoping it's easier the second time around...
Our Son just turned 9 years old and...

Surviving the NICU

By Laura Leavitt

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baby with breathing tube in the NICU No one ever dreams about giving birth to a child who needs to spend time in the NICU. Unfortunately, it can and does happen. This article is for moms and family members to help survive the roller coaster of emotions involved with a child staying in a NICU. NICU or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a unit
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Taking a Road Trip with Your Baby

By Laura Leavitt

baby in carseat road trip with your baby With a little planning, you can have a wonderful road trip with your little one.
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Teething Symptoms

By JustMommies staff

How will you recognize the signs that your baby is cutting his or her primary teeth (the first 20 teeth)? And, how will you ease the discomforts that come with teething – for your little one and you? Know the Timing for Teething You’ve probably heard that primary teeth can start developing as early
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Teething Symptoms

By JustMommies staff

How will you recognize the signs that your baby is cutting his or her primary teeth (the first 20 teeth)? And, how will you ease the discomforts that come with teething – for your little one and you? Know the Timing for Teething You’ve probably heard that primary teeth can start developing as early
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The 411 on Baby Poop - Infant Bowel Movements

By Patty Malowney

While you may want to toss out that dirty diaper as quickly as possible, there are a few things you should take note of first.
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The Basics of Introducing Solid Foods

By Laura Leavitt

mom feeding baby, baby food When? About six months old. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended prior to six months. An iron-fortified, infant formula feeding is considered the only adequate substitute to breastfeeding by the American Academy of Pediatrics. How? Go slowly! There is no need to rush. Use the "One at a time" method
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The Case against Cry-It-Out Methods: Why Attachment Parenting Works

By Laura Leavitt

mother comforting crying baby Weary mothers are often met with a barrage of seemingly helpful “sleep solutions,” from various family members and friends. Some suggested methods, while offering a possible system to attempt, may actually conflict with the mother’s natural parenting instincts. One such method, advocated by authors
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The Swaddling Debate: Is Swaddling Dangerous?

By Laura Leavitt

swaddled baby sleeping There are mixed reviews of swaddling, and some of it does come down to what your child needs.
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Tips for Healthy Baby Skin

By Laura Leavitt

Baby on beach with sun screen From that growing patch of hair to those tiny round toes, your little one’s skin needs a ton of TLC. Whether it’s a skin problem or common irritation and dryness, baby skin requires a lot of attention – and that’s where you come in. Read on for skincare tips that’ll keep your little one’s
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To Cry or Not To Cry: Helping Your Child Learn to Sleep

By Laura Leavitt

Mother breastfeeding baby on bus If you’re feeling sleep-deprived because of the nighttime waking habits of your little one, rest assured that you’re not alone. Getting your baby to sleep through the night is one of the most challenging, widely discussed, and hotly debated elements of new parenthood. Pretty much everyone agrees
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