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Cesarean Section Birth

crying after section

i just had a c-section 2 days ago and just got released from the hospital today and ive been really ...

Cesarean Section Birth

How many cesarean sections have you had?

We get asked a lot, how many c/s are safe, is there a limit etc etc, so as part of a couple of threa...

Cesarean Section Birth

Any one gain lots of weight after there c section?

I have gain 15kgs and im 7mths pp. i just wondering if anyone found this? this was my 1st and only c...

Trying to Conceive

Anybody remember me?

I wanted to stop in and say hi! Still not pregnant. I'm 36 now and my health is definitely not go...

Trying to Conceive

TTC Baby #2

Hoping it's easier the second time around...
Our Son just turned 9 years old and...

Labor Cake - Chocolate Cake to Induce Labor?

By JustMommies staff

Well, we’ve heard of it all but chocolate cake to bring on labor? Sounds yummy so why not? This labor inducing recipe sprouted life somewhere on the internet. Moms are always looking for different things to try and this recipe is a lot more appealing than a castor oil and O.J. shake. How does it
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"Labor Inducing" Cookie Recipe

By JustMommies staff

A lot of moms start hunting for ideas to naturally induce labor when they get to the end of pregnancy. You may have heard that taking a ride on a bumpy road, walking, or sex may help to bring on labor, but what other natural things can you try? Some moms swear that ginger can jump start your labor.
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Labor Inducing Salad

By JustMommies staff

Waiting for labor to start can be nerve wracking. During the last few weeks every twinge, cramp, or trickle can make a woman wonder is this it? It's during these moments that pregnant moms may start thinking about ways to get labor going. They might not desire a medical induction, but they might want
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Pineapples to Induce Labor

By JustMommies staff

Most tropical fruits such as pineapples, mango, papaya, and kiwi contain proteolytic enzymes, enzymes which break down protein and are thought to have certain medicinal properties. Pineapples have been used as an anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, diuretic, and also to induce labor. Bromelain, a type
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Pregnancy Pizza to Induce Labor

By JustMommies staff

Once upon a time at a pizza restaurant in California, a woman walked into the restaurant and asked for a pizza that would put her into labor. The manager, not knowing quite what to do, came up with a pizza to serve her. It had everything under the sun loaded up on it and what do you know? It actually
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Quick and Easy Chicken Quesadillas

By JustMommies staff

Quesadillas are an easy meal to make when you’re short on time. This is a really simple recipe that anyone can make. These freeze up great so you can save them and reheat them later for a tasty snack. Ingredients: 2-4 chicken breasts, diced 1 (1.27 ounce) packet fajita seasoning 2 red bell peppers,
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Quick & Easy Beer Bread

By JustMommies staff

Beer Bread Ingredients 3 cups self rising flour 3 tsp of sugar 1 12oz bottle of room temperature beer How to make beer bread Preheat oven to 350 degrees Mix flour, sugar and beer in a bowl. Place into loaf pan or baking pan. Bake in oven for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
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Shepherd's Pie

By JustMommies staff

Shepherd’s pie is a family favorite. If you don’t have time to peel potatoes and cut up fresh veggies, try this easy shepherd’s pie recipe instead. Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef 1 medium onion, chopped 1 (6 ounce) can tomato sauce 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce 1 cup frozen peas and
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Simplest Pot Roast Ever

By JustMommies staff

By Shauna Hanus Pot roasts of generations past are not as forgotten as you may think. With just a few minutes prep time and the simplest pot roast recipe ever you will be well on your way to a terrific pot roast supper. Pot roasts are inexpensive cuts beef legs or beef shoulder that when slow cooked
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Tater Tot Casserole

By JustMommies staff

Are you looking for a meal your picky eaters will eat? Try this cheesy dish made with tater tots. It’s so good and easy too! Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef 1 onion, chopped 1/2 cup of frozen peas 3 cups tater tots 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup 1/2 cup milk 1 1/2 cups shredded
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