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Cesarean Section Birth

crying after section

i just had a c-section 2 days ago and just got released from the hospital today and ive been really ...

Cesarean Section Birth

How many cesarean sections have you had?

We get asked a lot, how many c/s are safe, is there a limit etc etc, so as part of a couple of threa...

Cesarean Section Birth

Any one gain lots of weight after there c section?

I have gain 15kgs and im 7mths pp. i just wondering if anyone found this? this was my 1st and only c...

Trying to Conceive

Anybody remember me?

I wanted to stop in and say hi! Still not pregnant. I'm 36 now and my health is definitely not go...

Trying to Conceive

TTC Baby #2

Hoping it's easier the second time around...
Our Son just turned 9 years old and...

Anger & Aggression in Teens: How to help

By Laura Leavitt

father scolding teen Teens experience mood swings, so naturally it will occasionally come out as a short fuse.
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Hitting, Kicking, Biting, and Hair Pulling

By Laura Leavitt

boy play fighting When children's emotions get out of control, they lash out.
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Hitting, Kicking, Biting, and Hair Pulling

By Laura Leavitt

boy play fighting When children's emotions get out of control, they lash out.
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Toddler Tantrums: Dealing with Tantrums in Public

By Laura Leavitt

toddler having tantrum on the floor You may think that there’s nothing worse than your toddler’s tantrums, until your toddler has one in public. Then you have to manage not only an out-of-control child, but also the disapproving and not-so-sympathetic stares of strangers. When your toddler lets loose with an earth-shattering tantrum,
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To Spank Or Not To Spank

By Laura Leavitt

siblings standing in front of dad Think carefully about how spanking does or doesn't truly create discipline and boundaries.
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To Spank Or Not To Spank

By Laura Leavitt

siblings standing in front of dad Think carefully about how spanking does or doesn't truly create discipline and boundaries.
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Triumphing Over Tantrums

By Patty Malowney

crying toddler A few strategies can help reduce the length of tantrums and head them off.
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Triumphing Over Tantrums

By Patty Malowney

crying toddler A few strategies can help reduce the length of tantrums and head them off.
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When Moms Get Angry - Anger management tips for moms

By Patty Malowney

mom scolding daughter Parenting can make you angry, but there are ways to make sure you keep it under control.
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When Others Try To Discipline Your Child

By Laura Leavitt

dad scolding son Sometimes people feel free to tell your child what is right and wrong.
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