Parenting Tweens and Teens

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Depression in Teens: What to Watch For

By Laura Leavitt

The pressures of teen life can sometimes be overwhelming.
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Tough Love? Disciplining Your Child

By Laura Leavitt

Setting realistic limits is a major part of parenting.
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The Tween & Teen Years: A Parent's Survival Guide

By Laura Leavitt

The challenges will be different than early childhood, but you can make new habits as a family.
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Childhood Stress in a Changing World

By Laura Leavitt

With new dangers and concerns, it is valuable to protect children from adult pressures.
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Guidelines for Keeping Children Safe at Every Stage

By Laura Leavitt

These simple strategies prevent unnecessary accidents at all ages and stages.
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Teen Smoking: What to Know, What to Do

By Laura Leavitt

Teens may think smoking is cool, but you can be a positive influence.
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6 Signs Your Teen Is Using Drugs

By Laura Leavitt

The changes in your teen's behavior could be signs of something serious.
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Do Electronics Prevent Your Child from Learning Real Social Skills?

By Laura Leavitt

Is socializing via video games a problem? Let's think it through.
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7 Ways to Help Your Teen Find a Job

By Laura Leavitt

You can be a part of finding resources for your teen who wants to work.
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Love and Logic: A Low-Stress Approach to Parenting

By Laura Leavitt

Learning how to reduce conflict can really help you in this journey.
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