Labor and Childbirth

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Labor Cake - Chocolate Cake to Induce Labor?

By JustMommies staff

Well, we’ve heard of it all but chocolate cake to bring on labor? Sounds yummy so why not? This labor inducing recipe sprouted life somewhere on the internet. Moms are always looking for different things to try and this recipe is a lot more appealing than a castor oil and O.J. shake. How does it
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Pregnancy Pizza to Induce Labor

By JustMommies staff

Once upon a time at a pizza restaurant in California, a woman walked into the restaurant and asked for a pizza that would put her into labor. The manager, not knowing quite what to do, came up with a pizza to serve her. It had everything under the sun loaded up on it and what do you know? It actually
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Macaroni & Cheese with A1 Steak Sauce to Induce Labor

By JustMommies staff

We know what you’re thinking. Who would purposely eat macaroni and cheese with A1 sauce? A pregnant woman desperate to get her baby to come out, of course. We know this recipe isn’t the best tasting recipe out there but hey you know what they say “don’t knock it until you tried it”. Right?
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Labor Inducing Salad

By JustMommies staff

Waiting for labor to start can be nerve wracking. During the last few weeks every twinge, cramp, or trickle can make a woman wonder is this it? It's during these moments that pregnant moms may start thinking about ways to get labor going. They might not desire a medical induction, but they might want
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Inducing Labor: What Happens During Labor Induction

By Laura Leavitt

We've heard the term "induce" before, but read on to learn what it really means and why it can be helpful.
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Stripping Membranes

By JustMommies staff

The amniotic sac or “bag of waters” is a double membrane in which a fetus develops within the uterus. The amniotic sac is fluid filled and helps keep the fetus safe from injury during pregnancy and allows room for movement. The amniotic sac is what ruptures when you hear someone say that their “water
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Retained Placenta

By JustMommies staff

A retained placenta occurs when all or part of the placenta remains inside the uterus after child birth. Normally the placenta is delivered within minutes to an hour after child birth. For some women, the placenta doe not deliver naturally and must be physically removed. There are three main types of
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Which Birthing Positions Are Best During Labor?

By Laura Leavitt

There are way more options than just lying on your back.
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Labor and Childbirth Myths

By Laura Leavitt

There aren't a lot of definite facts about your labor - it is different for many different women.
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Bloody Show: What Is It, and What Does It Mean?

By JustMommies staff

When you hear about seeing a “bloody show” at the end of your pregnancy, it sounds as if you are in for something dramatic and gory. But it’s not dangerous or necessarily a sign that something has gone wrong; and in fact, many women never experience it. The “bloody show” actually refers to
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