Labor and Childbirth

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Cephalopelvic Disproportion: What You Should Know

By Laura Leavitt

These long words can be important to know so that your labor and delivery team can make the right calls.
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HBAC: Having a Home Birth after Cesarean Section

By Laura Leavitt

Learn more about how home births work post-c-section.
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You Had an Epidural, So What? 10 Steps to Stop Feeling Guilty and Start Getting Over It

By Laura Leavitt

Epidurals may not be part of your plan, but sometimes the plan changes.
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Benefits of Natural Chidlbirth

By JustMommies staff

There are different methods of natural childbirth out there including the Lamaze method, the Bradley method, hypobirthing, and others. Some women don’t use a particular method at all when approaching natural childbirth. The methods, philosophies, and reasons for choosing natural childbirth vary. For
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Progesterone (P17) Shots to Prevent Premature Labor

By JustMommies staff

A baby is considered premature if he is born before 37 weeks. According to the March of Dimes, 1 in 8 births are considered premature or preterm. There are a few things that put a woman at higher risk of going into labor prematurely. These include a diagnosis of incompetent cervix, uterine abnormalities,
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What to Expect After Labor: 7 Things Nobody Told You

While plenty of books (and strangers on the street) are ready to tell you all of the (sometimes horrifying)
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Whoa Mama! Preparing for the Birth of an Extra-Big Baby

By Laura Leavitt

There are some signs that can hint at a big baby coming.
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Natural Childbirth Sabotage: Is Your Doctor as NCB-Friendly as You Think?

If you’ve decided to try for a natural childbirth (NCB), you may find that finding support for your
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7 Pregnancy Apps

By Laura Leavitt

These apps can help you feel more prepared for motherhood.
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"Am I in Labor?" 8 Ways to Tell if Labor Has Started

It is the question on the minds of most women who are pregnant. Carrying a child and giving birth are
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